

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Elderflower syrup.

Elderflower syrup can be produced very easily.  It tastes fantastic in champagne, and can be transformed into delicious soft drinks and desserts. As the flowers should not be washed , I advise you to pick them a few hours after a rain shower. Ensure the blossoms are free of insects. For about 4 liters of syrup you need:

  • 30 large elderflower's
  • 2 liters of water
  • 3 kg of sugar
  • 100 g of citric acid (available in pharmacies) 

  1. In a large sized pot bring the 2 liters of water to a boil and dissolve the 3 kilo of sugar in it. Allow the resulting stock syrup to cool completely
  2. In the meantime cut the thick stems off the elderflowers
  3. Place the elderflower's in a very clean, large non reactive bowl
  4. Sprinkle the flowers with the citric acid
  5. Pour the cold stock syrup over the flowers ensuring all are submerged.
  6. Cover the bowl with clingfilm
  7. Place the bowl in a refrigerator and allow to mature for 4 to 5 days, stirring once half the way.
  8. Now strain the syrup through a very clean cloth and fill into empty spirit bottles.
  9. Cap the bottle and store the syrup in a dark cold place, ideally in a fridge where it should last up to a year.  


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